About Insect Doctors
INSECT DOCTORS is an innovative new European Joint Doctoral Programme (EJD) funded in the framework of the H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN programme in which we are able to recruit 15 PhD students.
The aim of the INSECT DOCTORS programme is to train promising young scientists to develop the knowledge, technical skills and tools to manage infectious disease problems in commercial insect production systems.
Each PhD student in the INSECT DOCTORS network is trained by at least two (non-) academic organisations and will receive a doctoral degree from two European universities. Mobility during the project is a clear requirement.
Successful application of mass reared insects heavily relies on culturing large insect colonies. In such “insect factories” insect pathogen emergence is easily triggered leading to extensive economic losses. To remain sustainable, achievable, and cost-effective, insect production urgently needs to become more resilient to the effects of a large range of pathogens (i.e. bacteria, fungi, viruses and microsporidia). In-depth knowledge on insect pathogens is paramount to both mitigate for and prevent such disease outbreaks.
To see our peer-reviewed Open Access Publications, please visit our EU Cordis-page